Build a dollhouse with Aspen
Pay off all credit cards
Learn how to crochet flowers
Learn how to crochet anything I want actually
Learn how to sew baby clothes
Look into cloth diapering instead of disposable
Learn to live without needing so much ‘stuff’
Make tons of meals that I can just throw in the freezer
Plant my veggies
Transplant my lavender and bell peppers
Go back to school unless I can make it as an entrepreneur
(check out the UNcollege movement)
Buy a house in two years
Get my credit score past 700
Learn how to cook better
Negotiate better
Pay off my car quickly
Learn to make my own sushi
Learn to dance
Get closer to girlfriends (make some new besties)
Go to Vegas
Learn jewelry making skills
Never say "I'm too busy" to my baby
Write a book
Be someone Aspen can always come talk to no matter what about
Chew out the really unpleasant lady that always calls my office
Do things for people without expectations
Learn another language
Get baby pictures done
Stick up for myself more often
Have a garden that I can live off of
Learn to control my temper a little bit better
Think before I speak
Use my crockpot more
Get married
Spend less money
Stop eating so much DAMN JUNK FOOD
Eat earlier at night and healthier
Work out
Get my pre-baby body back
Get a tan
Find the perfect haircut for frickin once
Stop being so scared of things out of my control
Live for the day
Lessen my carbon footprint
Recycle more
Open my own store
Learn to paint
Use solar power
Go vegetarian
Be less neurotic
Go to Seattle
Go on an IKEA shopping spree
Get benefits from a job
Interview for jobs that I think I have no chance getting
Ride a bike more
Have ATLEAST one more baby
Get a nose job… maybe?
Be able to drop $100 bucks without worrying if I’ll still have enough to pay bills
And mostly to just be grateful, happy, and appreciative of what I do have.